
RegionFlow flows content into a region with fixed width and height.

View the Project on GitHub dowjones/RegionFlow


This library is used to help manage content flowing from one container to another.

RegionFlow flows content into a region with fixed width and height. It can append an ellipse to content that is flowed into the region if the full content overflows the region's dimensions or an endsign if the content does fit within the region's dimensions. Any content that overflows the region is returned, allowing content to span across several region elements.

While there are many other column-reflowing libraries, this one is unique for a few different notable features:

  1. DOM node splitting: content with tags will be split across different regions.
  2. Unlike CSS Regions, containers with text flowed into them actually have the text contained within them in the DOM.

This library's reflowing logic can be used on flexible-width containers (as illustrated in the source of this page), this library's primary purpose is in fixed-width, fixed-height layout scenarios, e.g. a tablet screen.