1. Preliminary Steps

You can use Dow Jones Hammer REST API to perform ad-hoc scans of controlled environments. To use it you need to:

2. Request

Use curl or any other tool for making HTTP queries. You need to perform POST request to ApiUrl and provide:

  • API token in Auth header
  • JSON payload as a POST data
  • (optional) set application/json content type.

Request example:

$ curl -H 'Auth: ieng4aechooth4Ahzou2beeg8phohz' \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
       https://boafxucxrw.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/LATEST/identify \
       -d '
    "account_id": "1234567890"

JSON payload should include:

  • account_id: controlled AWS account ID to check. It must be account ID from the aws.accounts configuration option
  • (optional) security_features: the list of security feature names to scan. These names should be the same as configuration section names for each supported security feature (f.e. - secgrp_unrestricted_access, user_inactivekeys, s3_bucket_policy, etc). If omitted, all supported features will be checked
  • (optional) regions: for regional services, such as security groups, EBS/RDS snapshots, etc, you need to provide list of regions to check issues in. If it is omitted, all regions will be checked
  • (optional) tags: dictionary with tags to limit checks by tags attached to resources

Request example of checking public EBS snapshots and unrestricted security groups only for resources tagged with prod for accounting and staffing business units in us-east-2 and us-east-1 regions:

$ curl -X POST -H 'Auth: ieng4aechooth4Ahzou2beeg8phohz' \
               -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
               https://boafxucxrw.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/LATEST/identify -d '
    "account_id": "1234567890",
    "regions": ["us-east-1", "us-east-2"],
    "security_features": ["s3_bucket_acl", "secgrp_unrestricted_access"],
    "tags": {
        "bu": ["accounting", "staffing"],
        "env": "prod"

This operation is asynchronous and returns request_id which can be used then to retrieve results of scan. Response may look like this:

    "request_id": "d9ad40e4f59b4424b6ba995aa85de40e"

Another request should be issued to retrieve results:

curl -H "Auth: ieng4aechooth4Ahzou2beeg8phohz" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

This request may return such result:

    "scan_status": "IN_PROGRESS"

Which means the scan is still in progress. Eventually the scan will be finished and response with results od scan will be returned.

3. Response

Dow Jones Hammer API returns responses in JSON format. If scan was successful it returns scan result in the key scan_results and scan_status that is equal to COMPLETE.

This is how response may look like:

    "scan_status": "COMPLETE",
    "scan_results": {
        "global": {
            "s3_bucket_policy": [],
            "s3_bucket_acl": [],
            "user_inactivekeys": [],
            "user_keysrotation": []
        "us-east-1": {
            "secgrp_unrestricted_access": [
                    "id": "sg-002f6eaff01234567",
                    "issue_details": {
                        "name": "rds-launch-wizard-2",
                        "perms": [
                                "to_port": 3306,
                                "protocol": "tcp",
                                "cidr": "",
                                "from_port": 3306,
                                "status": "open_partly"
                        "region": "us-east-1",
                        "tags": {},
                        "status": "open_partly"
            "ebs_public_snapshot": [],
            "rds_public_snapshot": [],
            "sqs_public_access": []