Samples of Dow Jones Hammer configuration files are available at deployment/configs/.

There are three configuration files for Dow Jones Hammer:

  • deployment/configs/config.json - this is the main configuration file for Dow Jones Hammer;
  • deployment/configs/ticket_owners.json - this configuration file contains more specific settings for JIRA integration;
  • deployment/configs/whitelist.json - this configuration file describes issues, that you have to override before Dow Jones Hammer will scan your AWS landscape.

1. Configure General Dow Jones Hammer Configuration Parameters

1.1. Master AWS Account Settings

You should add the following settings to the aws section of the config.json configuration file to define Dow Jones Hammer deployment specifics.

Required keys

  • main_account_id: the ID of the master AWS account where you will deploy Dow Jones Hammer;
  • region: the region of the master AWS account where you will deploy Dow Jones Hammer. This value is used only as a fallback when automatic detection of AWS deployment region is failed;
  • role_name_identification: name of the IAM cross-account role for the issues identification functionality. Make sure the value of this parameter matches the value you’ve used for LambdaIAMCrossAccountRole when deploying IAM Cross-account Identification Role;
  • role_name_reporting: name of the IAM cross-account role for the issues reporting and remediation functionality. Make sure the value of this parameter matches the value you’ve used for EC2IAMCrossAccountRole when deploying IAM Cross-account Reporting/Remediation Role;
  • accounts: IDs of slave AWS accounts that Dow Jones Hammer will check. In case you want Dow Jones Hammer to check master account - add master account ID here as well;
  • s3_backup_bucket: name of the pre-created S3 backup bucket for the remediation rollback functionality.

Optional keys:

  • regions: limits checks to only specified regions. In case you have not specified this key, Dow Jones Hammer will check in the slave accounts the same list of regions as in the Dow Jones Hammer master account. In case you have specified the key, but with an empty value, Dow Jones Hammer will check no regions in the slave account(s) at all;
  • ddb_backup: configures setting for the DynamoDB tables backup:
    • enabled: enables/disables DynamoDB table backup. The default value is false;
    • retention_days: sets the retention period for DynamoDB table backup. The default value is 7 days.

Configuration example:

"aws": {
    "main_account_id": "123456789012",
    "region": "eu-west-1",
    "role_name_identification": "hammer-cloudsec-crossact-id",
    "role_name_reporting": "hammer-cloudsec-crossact-ec2",
    "accounts": {
        "123456789012": "master",
        "210987654321": "slave1"
    "s3_backup_bucket": "hammer-backup-bucket",
    "ddb_backup": {
        "enabled": true,
        "retention_days": 7

1.2. Scheduling Settings

You can configure the scheduling parameters for reporting and remediation jobs to occur. This is an optional step.

The cronjobs section of the config.json file defines how periodically reporting and remediation jobs will run. Please use the standard crontab syntax to define the timing of these jobs’ runs.

Configuration example:

"cronjobs": {
    "reporting": "5 * * * *",
    "remediation": "30 10 * * *"

Note: the default frequency of identification Lambda function runs is once an hour. To decrease this frequency please use:

1.3. Reporting Setup (JIRA/Slack)

The following sections define the integration of Dow Jones Hammer with JIRA and/or Slack for reporting purposes. As soon as this step is optional, you can configure one integration, both, or none.

Note: for JIRA or Slack integration to be functional, after successful Dow Jones Hammer deployment you should inject corresponding access credentials to the credentials DynamoDB table defined in credentials section of config.json:

"credentials": {
    "ddb.table_name": "hammer-credentials"

1.3.1. JIRA Integration


To configure JIRA integration parameters, you should edit the following configuration files:

  1. The config.json file, jira section, following parameters:
    • enabled: enables/disables Dow Jones Hammer and JIRA integration. The default value is false;
    • server: defines the root URL of your JIRA server. The default value is;
    • issue_type: defines the type of JIRA issue that Dow Jones Hammer will raise in case it detects a vulnerability. The default value is Task.

    Configuration example:

     "jira": {
         "enabled": false,
         "server": "",
         "issue_type": "Task"
  2. The ticket_owners.json file, following parameters:
    • jira_project: JIRA project
    • jira_owner: JIRA assignee
    • jira_parent_ticket: JIRA parent ticket

    You can specify these parameters at AWS account specific or global settings. AWS account specific settings precede the global settings.

    Configuration example:

         "account": {
             "1234567890123": {
                 "jira_project": "AWSCORESEC",
                 "jira_owner": "DevOps-CORE",
                 "jira_parent_ticket": "AWSSEC-4321"
         "jira_project": "AWSSEC",
         "jira_owner": "DevOps-ENTERPRISE",
         "jira_parent_ticket": "AWSSEC-1234"

    Also Dow Jones Hammer tries to detect person to report issue to by examining owner tag on affected resource (Security Group, S3 bucket, EBS volume/snapshot, RDS snapshot, etc). In case when such tag exists and is valid JIRA user, jira_owner parameter is ignored and discovered owner is used instead as a JIRA assignee.

1.3.2. Slack Integration

There are two groups of messages which you can configure to forward to Slack:

  • hammer-internal messages (logged to CloudWatch Logs) should be monitored to control Dow Jones Hammer functionality, access problems, etc;
  • issue-specific messages should be used for reporting purposes during issue lifecycle.

Also, in case Slack integration is enabled, Dow Jones Hammer Slack bot is launched. You can interact with it by sending direct messages or invite to any channel. Send help to get the list of supported commands. You can use it to check:

  • Dow Jones Hammer status;
  • configuration details.

To configure Slack integration parameters, you should edit the following configuration files:

  1. The config.json file, slack section, following parameters:
    • enabled: globally enables/disables Dow Jones Hammer and Slack integration (for both hammer-internal and issue-specific messages, as well as for Dow Jones Hammer Slack bot). The default value is false;
    • channels: defines the patterns of hammer-internal messages that Dow Jones Hammer will post to Slack and the destination channels. The keys are Slack channels, the values are lists with PCRE regular expressions;
    • ignore: defines the patterns of hammer-internal messages that Dow Jones Hammer will not post to Slack channels. The keys are Slack channels, the values are lists with PCRE regular expressions;
    • default_channel: defines the default Slack channel where Dow Jones Hammer will post hammer-internal messages if there is no more specific message destination.

    Configuration example:

     "slack": {
         "enabled": true,
         "channels": {
             "hammer-errors": ["ERROR|WARNING|ALARM|Task timed out after|Access denied"]
         "ignore": [],
         "default_channel": "hammer-dev"
  2. slack_owner parameter in the ticket_owners.json file to configure forwarding of issue-specific messages to Slack. The value of this parameter is a list with Slack channels (# prefixed) or users that will receive issue reports from Dow Jones Hammer.

    You can specify these parameter at AWS account specific or global settings. AWS account specific settings precede the global settings.

    Configuration example:

         "account": {
             "1234567890123": {
                 "slack_owner": "#devops-1234567890123"
         "slack_owner": ["#devops", "bob"]

    Also Dow Jones Hammer tries to detect person to report issue to by examining owner tag on affected resource (Security Group, S3 bucket, EBS volume/snapshot, RDS snapshot, etc). In case when such tag exists and is valid Slack user, discovered owner is used in addition to slack_owner value.

1.4. Reporting Setup (CSV)

You can configure Dow Jones Hammer to send CSV with detected vulnerabilities to designated S3 bucket on a regular basis. Use following configuration parameters in csv section:

  • enabled: enables/disables CSV reporting;
  • schedule: defines schedule for CSV reporting. Please use the standard crontab syntax to define the timing of this job;
  • slack_channel: name of the slack channel (# prefixed) or user to send CSV reports to;
  • bucket: name of the pre-created S3 bucket to put CSV reports to.

Configuration example:

"csv": {
    "enabled": true,
    "schedule": "0 9 * * 1",
    "bucket": "hammer-backup-bucket",
    "slack_channel": "#hammer-prod"

2. Configure Issue-Specific Dow Jones Hammer Configuration Parameters

You can configure Dow Jones Hammer to detect, report, and remediate specific issues in the issue-specific branches of the config.json file. Check the issue-specific playbooks for further details.

2.1. S3 ACL Public Access

This section describes how to detect your AWS S3 buckets that are worldwide accessible by virtue of the ACL (Access Control List) settings. Refer to issue-specific playbook for further details.

Edit the s3_bucket_acl section of the config.json file to configure the handling of this issue.


  • enabled: enables/disables issue identification. The default value is true;
  • ddb.table_name: the name of the DynamoDB table where Dow Jones Hammer will write issue detection results. The default value is hammer-s3-public-bucket-acl;
  • accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to check and report for issue in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • ignore_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to ignore during check. Use this key to exclude accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • remediation_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to remediate issues in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • reporting: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will report detected issues to JIRA/Slack. The default value is false;
  • remediation: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will automatically remediate the detected issue. The default value is false;
  • remediation_retention_period: the amount of days that must pass between the detection of an issue and its automatic remediation by Dow Jones Hammer. The default value is 0.

2.2. Insecure Services

This section describes how to detect your AWS security groups with worldwide accessible sensitive ports. Refer to issue-specific playbook for further details.

Edit the secgrp_unrestricted_access section of the config.json file to configure the handling of this issue.


  • enabled: enables/disables issue identification. The default value is true;
  • ddb.table_name: the name of the DynamoDB table where Dow Jones Hammer will write detected issues. The default value is hammer-security-groups-unrestricted;
  • accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to check and report for issue in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • ignore_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to ignore during check. Use this key to exclude accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • remediation_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to remediate issues in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • restricted_ports: a comma-separated list of ports in square brackets, which Dow Jones Hammer checks to be restricted;
  • reporting: defines whether reporting is on or off. The default value is false;
  • remediation: defines whether remediation is on or off. The default value is false.
  • remediation_retention_period: the amount of days that must pass between the detection of an issue and its automatic remediation by Dow Jones Hammer. The default value is 0.

2.3. IAM User Inactive Keys

This section describes how to detect that Dow Jones Hammer has not used your AWS IAM access keys for more than a number of days. Refer to issue-specific playbook for further details.

Edit the user_inactivekeys section of the config.json file to configure the handling of this action.


  • enabled: enables/disables issue identification. The default value is true;
  • ddb.table_name: the name of the DynamoDB table where Dow Jones Hammer will write issue detection results. The default value is hammer-iam-user-keys-inactive;
  • accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to check and report for issue in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • ignore_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to ignore during check. Use this key to exclude accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • remediation_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to remediate issues in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • inactive_criteria_days: the threshold amount of days when Dow Jones Hammer has not used the access keys to raise an alert. The default value is 1;
  • reporting: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will report detected issues to JIRA/Slack. The default value is false;
  • remediation: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will automatically remediate the detected issue. The default value is false;
  • remediation_retention_period: the amount of days that should pass between the detection of an issue and its automatic remediation by Dow Jones Hammer. The default value is 0.

2.4. IAM User Key Rotation

This section describes how to detect that no IAM key rotation has happened within the set timeframe. Refer to issue-specific playbook for further details.

Edit the user_keysrotation section of the config.json file to configure the handling of this issue.


  • enabled: enables/disables issue identification. The default value is true;
  • ddb.table_name: the name of the DynamoDB table where Dow Jones Hammer will write issue detection results. The default value is hammer-iam-user-keys-rotation;
  • accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to check and report for issue in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • ignore_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to ignore during check. Use this key to exclude accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • remediation_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to remediate issues in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • rotation_criteria_days: the threshold amount of days without key rotation that will trigger Dow Jones Hammer to raise an alert. The default value is 10 days.
  • reporting: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will report detected issues to JIRA/Slack. The default value is false;
  • remediation: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will automatically remediate the detected issue. The default value is false;
  • remediation_retention_period: the amount of days that should pass between the detection of an issue and its automatic remediation by Dow Jones Hammer. The default value is 0.

2.5. S3 Policy Public Access

This section describes how to detect your AWS S3 buckets that are worldwide accessible by virtue of the S3 bucket policy. Refer to issue-specific playbook for further details.

Edit the s3_bucket_policy section of the config.json file to configure the handling of this issue.


  • enabled: enables/disables issue identification. The default value is true;
  • ddb.table_name: the name of the DynamoDB table where Dow Jones Hammer will write issue detection results. The default value is hammer-s3-public-bucket-policy;
  • accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to check and report for issue in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • ignore_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to ignore during check. Use this key to exclude accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • remediation_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to remediate issues in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • reporting: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will report detected issues to JIRA/Slack. The default value is false;
  • remediation: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will automatically remediate the detected issue. The default value is false;
  • remediation_retention_period: the amount of days that should pass between the detection of an issue and its automatic remediation by Dow Jones Hammer. The default value is 7 days.

2.6. CloudTrail Logging Issues

This section describes how to detect whether AWS CloudTrail is not enabled for your account. Refer to issue-specific playbook for further details.

Edit the cloudtrails section of the config.json file to configure the handling of this issue.


  • enabled: enables/disables issue identification. The default value is true;
  • ddb.table_name: the name of the DynamoDB table where Dow Jones Hammer will write issue detection results. The default value is hammer-cloudtrails;
  • accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to check and report for issue in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • ignore_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to ignore during check. Use this key to exclude accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • reporting: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will report to JIRA and/or Slack in case it has detected an issue. The default value is false.

2.7. EBS Unencrypted Volumes

This section describes how to detect whether you have EBS volumes that are not encrypted at rest (as required by the PCI compliance rules). Refer to issue-specific playbook for further details.

Edit the ebs_unencrypted_volume of the config.json file to configure the handling of this issue.


  • enabled: enables/disables issue identification. The default value is true;
  • ddb.table_name: the name of the DynamoDB table where Dow Jones Hammer will put the detection results. The default value is hammer-ebs-volumes-unencrypted;
  • accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to check and report for issue in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • ignore_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to ignore during check. Use this key to exclude accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • reporting: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will report detected issues to JIRA/Slack. The default value is false.

2.8. EBS Public Snapshots

This section describes how to detect whether snapshots of some of your EBS volumes are publicly available. Refer to issue-specific playbook for further details.

Edit the ebs_public_snapshot section of the config.json file to configure the handling of this issue.


  • enabled: enables/disables issue identification. The default value is true;
  • ddb.table_name: the name of the DynamoDB table where Dow Jones Hammer will put detection results. The default value is hammer-ebs-snapshots-public;
  • accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to check and report for issue in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • ignore_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to ignore during check. Use this key to exclude accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • remediation_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to remediate issues in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • reporting: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will report detected issues to JIRA/Slack. The default value is false;
  • remediation: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will automatically remediate the detected issue. The default value is false;
  • remediation_retention_period: the amount of days that should pass between the detection of an issue and its auomatic remediation by Dow Jones Hammer. The default value is 0.

2.9. RDS Public Snapshots

This section describes how to detect your publicly accessible RDS snapshots. Refer to issue-specific playbook for further details.

Edit the rds_public_snapshot section of the config.json file to configure the handling of this issue.


  • enabled: enables/disables issue identification. The default value is true;
  • ddb.table_name: the name of the DynamoDB table where Dow Jones Hammer will put detection results. The default value is hammer-rds-public-snapshots.
  • accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to check and report for issue in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • ignore_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to ignore during check. Use this key to exclude accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • remediation_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to remediate issues in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • reporting: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will report detected issues to JIRA/Slack. The default value is false;
  • remediation: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will automatically remediate the detected issue. The default value is false;
  • remediation_retention_period: the amount of days that should pass between the detection of an issue and its automatic remediation by Dow Jones Hammer. The default value is 0.

2.10. SQS Public Policy

This section describes how to detect your publicly accessible SQS Queues. Refer to issue-specific playbook for further details.

Edit the sqs_public_access section of the config.json file to configure the handling of this issue.


  • enabled: enables/disables issue identification. The default value is true;
  • ddb.table_name: the name of the DynamoDB table where Dow Jones Hammer will put detection results. The default value is hammer-sqs-public-access.
  • accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to check and report for issue in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • ignore_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to ignore during check. Use this key to exclude accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • remediation_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to remediate issues in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • reporting: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will report detected issues to JIRA/Slack. The default value is false;
  • remediation: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will automatically remediate the detected issue. The default value is false;
  • remediation_retention_period: the amount of days that should pass between the detection of an issue and its automatic remediation by Dow Jones Hammer. The default value is 0.

2.11. S3 Unencrypted Buckets

This section describes how to detect whether you have S3 buckets that are not encrypted at rest. Refer to issue-specific playbook for further details.

Edit the s3_encryption section of the config.json file to configure the handling of this issue.


  • enabled: enables/disables issue identification. The default value is true;
  • ddb.table_name: the name of the DynamoDB table where Dow Jones Hammer will put detection results. The default value is hammer-s3-unencrypted.
  • accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to check and report for issue in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • ignore_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to ignore during check. Use this key to exclude accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • remediation_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to remediate issues in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • reporting: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will report detected issues to JIRA/Slack. The default value is false;
  • remediation: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will automatically remediate the detected issue. The default value is false;
  • remediation_retention_period: the amount of days that should pass between the detection of an issue and its automatic remediation by Dow Jones Hammer. The default value is 0.

2.12. RDS Unencrypted Instances

This section describes how to detect whether you have RDS instances that are not encrypted at rest. Refer to issue-specific playbook for further details.

Edit the rds_encryption section of the config.json file to configure the handling of this issue.


  • enabled: enables/disables issue identification. The default value is true;
  • ddb.table_name: the name of the DynamoDB table where Dow Jones Hammer will put detection results. The default value is hammer-rds-unencrypted.
  • accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to check and report for issue in square brackets. Use this key to override accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • ignore_accounts: optional comma-separated list of accounts to ignore during check. Use this key to exclude accounts from aws.accounts in config.json;
  • reporting: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will report detected issues to JIRA/Slack. The default value is false;

2.13. Public AMI issues

This section describes how to detect whether you have AMIs public access or not. Refer to issue-specific playbook for further details.

Edit the public_ami_issues section of the config.json file to configure the handling of this issue.


  • enabled: enables/disables issue identification. The default value is true;
  • ddb.table_name: the name of the DynamoDB table where Dow Jones Hammer will put detection results. The default value is hammer-public-amis.
  • reporting: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will report detected issues to JIRA/Slack. The default value is false;
  • remediation: defines whether Dow Jones Hammer will automatically remediate the detected issue. The default value is false;
  • remediation_retention_period: the amount of days that should pass between the detection of an issue and its automatic remediation by Dow Jones Hammer. The default value is 0.