You should perform the following steps to deploy Dow Jones Hammer using Terraform:

  1. Accomplish the preliminary steps
  2. Configure AWS CLI access credentials
  3. Edit Terraform configuration files
  4. Launch Dow Jones Hammer deployment
  5. Check Terraform output variables

1. Preliminary Steps

Check this section to make sure you have performed all necessary steps before proceeding further.

2. Configure AWS CLI Access Credentials

Terraform requires that AWS CLI has administrative access to the master account for Dow Jones Hammer deployment and slave accounts for Dow Jones Hammer to use. You should configure named profiles for each of your accounts. To do it, proceed as follows:

  1. Generate API access keys for your master account and slave accounts.
  2. Create credentials file in the ~/.aws/ directory to configure AWS CLI.
  3. Add account profiles to ~/.aws/credentials:

Sample configuration for the master account:

aws_access_key_id = xxx
aws_secret_access_key = xxx

Sample configuration for two slave accounts:

aws_access_key_id = yyy
aws_secret_access_key = yyy

aws_access_key_id = zzz
aws_secret_access_key = zzz

3. Edit Terraform Configuration Files

You can find Terraform templates in hammer/deployment/terraform/ directory.

You should edit both and files.

3.1. The File

You should edit the file to configure Terraform providers and cross-account role modules.

3.1.1. Configure Providers

You should add provider sections for the master account and the slave account(s).

Note: profile values in the provider sections have to match AWS CLI profile names you configured during Configure AWS CLI Access Credentials step.

Note: region value has to match aws.region parameter you configured in config.json.

Sample configuration for the master account:

 provider "aws" {
     region = "eu-west-1"
     profile = "hammer-master"

Sample configuration for two slave accounts:

provider "aws" {
     alias = "hammer-slave1"
     region = "eu-west-1"
     profile = "hammer-slave1"

provider "aws" {
     alias = "hammer-slave2"
     region = "eu-west-1"
     profile = "hammer-slave2"

3.1.2. Include cross-account role modules for each slave account

You should include and configure a cross-account role module for each slave account.

While editing this section, please note that:

  • module name in the block header has to be unique for each slave account
  • name value has to be unique for each slave account
  • value has to match the provider alias configured during the Configure Providers step.

Sample configuration for two modules:

module "roles-crossaccount1" {
     source = "modules/roles-crossaccount"
     name = "hammer-slave1"
     providers = {
         aws = "aws.hammer-slave1"
     masterAccountId = "${data.aws_caller_identity.master.account_id}"
     identificationCrossAccountIAMRole = "${var.identificationCrossAccountIAMRole}"
     reportingRemediationIAMCrossAccountRole = "${var.reportingRemediationIAMCrossAccountRole}"
     resources-prefix = "${var.resources-prefix}"

module "roles-crossaccount2" {
     source = "modules/roles-crossaccount"
     name = "hammer-slave2"
     providers = {
         aws = "aws.hammer-slave2"
     masterAccountId = "${data.aws_caller_identity.master.account_id}"
     identificationCrossAccountIAMRole = "${var.identificationCrossAccountIAMRole}"
     reportingRemediationIAMCrossAccountRole = "${var.reportingRemediationIAMCrossAccountRole}"
     resources-prefix = "${var.resources-prefix}"

3.2. The File

Terraform needs to pass a number of parameters to CloudFormation to create the CloudFormation stacks for Dow Jones Hammer:

Variable Name
Variable Description
Default Value
identificationCheckRateExpression CloudWatch Schedule Cron Expression for the interval between Dow Jones Hammer identification runs without minutes part * * * ? *
s3bucket S3 bucket you created to deploy Dow Jones Hammer hammer-deploy-bucket
identificationIAMRole Name of the identification IAM role to create in master account cloudsec-master-id
identificationCrossAccountIAMRole Name of the identification IAM role to create in slave accounts cloudsec-crossact-id
ec2InstanceType Instance type of the reporting/remediation EC2 t2.small
reportingRemediationIAMRole Name of the reporting/remediation IAM role to create in master account cloudsec-master-ec2
reportingRemediationIAMCrossAccountRole Name of the reporting/remediation IAM role to create in slave AWS accounts cloudsec-crossact-ec2
keyPair Name of the EC key pair you have created at preliminary steps joe.bloggs
vpcId ID of the VPC for deployment of the reporting/remediation EC2 vpc-2dedc54a
subnet ID of the Subnet for deployment of the reporting/remediation EC2 subnet-37d28b50
lambdaSubnets IDs of VPC Subnets for deployment of identification lambdas (optional)  
lambdaSecurityGroups IDs of VPC Security Groups for deployment of identification lambdas (optional)  
resources-prefix The prefix for all Dow Jones Hammer resources hammer-
tag Map with tags to apply to AWS resources {}

Note: Make sure that DynamoDB tables prefix is consistent with ddb.table_name for all issue configurations and credentials table name.


variable "identificationCheckRateExpression" {
    default = "* * * ? *"
variable "s3bucket" {
    default = "hammer-deploy-bucket"
variable "s3BackupBucket" {
    default = "hammer-backups-bucket"
variable "identificationIAMRole" {
    default = "cloudsec-master-id"
variable "identificationCrossAccountIAMRole" {
    default = "cloudsec-crossact-id"
variable "ec2InstanceType" {
    default = "t2.small"
variable "reportingRemediationIAMRole" {
    default = "cloudsec-master-ec2"
variable "reportingRemediationIAMCrossAccountRole" {
    default = "cloudsec-crossact-ec2"
variable "keyPair" {
    default = "joe.bloggs"
variable "vpcId" {
    default = "vpc-2dedc54a"
variable "subnet" {
    default = "subnet-37d28b50"
variable "lambdaSubnets" {
    default = ""
variable "lambdaSecurityGroups" {
    default = ""

variable "resources-prefix" {
    default = "hammer-"

variable "tags" {
    type = "map"

    default = {
        environment = "prod"
        owner = ""
        product = "hammer"

4. Launch Dow Jones Hammer Deployment

To launch Dow Jones Hammer deployment, run the following commands in hammer/deployment/terraform/ directory:

terraform init
terraform apply

5. Check Terraform output variables

After successful Terraform deployment a few variables, you may be interested in, will be shown back:

  • ApiUrl: URL for quering Dow Jones Hammer REST API
  • ReportingRemediationPrivateIP: private IP address of reporting and remediation EC2 instance
  • ReportingRemediationPublicIP: public IP address of reporting and remediation EC2 instance

Sample output:

ApiUrl = https://qosfsduzasrh.execute-api.<region>
ReportingRemediationPrivateIP = 172.16.x.x
ReportingRemediationPublicIP = w.x.y.z