Dow Jones Hammer can identify and report the following issues:

Name Description Default Alert Trigger
S3 ACL Public Access Detects publicly accessible by ACL S3 buckets Any of the S3 buckets is worldwide accessible by ACL
Insecure Services Detects groups with worldwide open ports from the list Any of security groups allows unrestricted access to the ports defined in the configuration file
IAM User Inactive Keys Detects unused for N days access keys Any of access keys is not used for the timeframe defined in the configuration file
IAM User Keys Rotation Detects the lack of access keys rotation for N days Any of access keys was created earlier than the timeframe defined in the configuration file
S3 Policy Public Access Detects publicly accessible by policy S3 buckets Any of the S3 buckets is worldwide accessible by policy
CloudTrail Logging Issues Detects CloudTrail logging status and permission issues Any of AWS regions does not have CloudTrail logging enabled or has access issues
EBS Unencrypted Volumes Detects not encrypted at rest EBS volumes Any of the EBS volumes is not encrypted at rest
EBS Public Snapshots Detects publicly accessible EBS snapshots Any one of EBS snapshots is worldwide accessible
RDS Public Snapshots Detects publicly accessible RDS snapshots Any one of RDS snapshots is worldwide accessible
SQS Policy Public Access Detects publicly accessible SQS policy Any of SQS queues is worldwide accessible by policy
S3 Unencrypted Buckets Detects not encrypted at reset S3 buckets Any of S3 bucket is not encrypted at rest
RDS Unencrypted instances Detects not encrypted at rest RDS instances Any one of RDS instances is not encrypted at reset
AMIs public access Detects publicly accessible AMIs Any one of AMI is worldwide accessible

Dow Jones Hammer can perform remediation for all issues except EBS Unencrypted volumes, CloudTrail Logging Issues and RDS Unencrypted instances.